Investors admiring an early prototype CSHG.
Investors—here is a great way to enter the booming Green Hydrogen market!
Lightfuel seeks its next Global Strategic Partner to help us commercialize our unique and disruptive Solar Hydrogen platform. Here is your opportunity to enter the exploding Green Hydrogen market with an investment vehicle that is significantly ahead of any competitors in this space.
We enjoy such a lead because we have solid technology resulting from 18 years of hard work by a talented international team. Unfortunately, there is a lot of hype around hydrogen from sunlight, and for “Green Hydrogen” in general.
With Lightfuel, you will find transparency and “school of hard-knocks” experience. We back up all of our admittedly amazing claims with years of in-field testing with at-scale hardware, and in many cases with independent corroboration. Compare our website to the information-free “Mom and apple pie” websites of our competition. Ours may not be as glitzy or attractive as others’, but you cannot accuse us of lack of content.
We propose Joint Ventures to build out the first commercial Lightfuel Hydrogen plants Equity investment is also welcome. Let’s discuss!
Funding History
Most recently, we have been funded through a technology transfer and development agreement with a global utility (details provided under NDA). Earlier, at the end of 2007, Nanoptek completed a $4.7 Series A raise of $4.7M led by The Quercus Trust, followed by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (known at that time as the Massachusetts Technology Park Corp.) and several highly-appreciated private investors wishing to remain so. A subsequent Series A-1 option round had to be cancelled because of the Great Recession of 2008.
Prior to our Series A raise, we funded our progress by winning highly competitive grants from N.A.S.A.—Phase I and Phase II S.B.I.R.s—, and the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Science, as well as a competitive SEED grant from the Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust. In addition, we self-funded through sales of our Digital Photon Tunneling Microscope product.
Nanoptek is highlighted in John Rubino’s Clean Money-Picking Winners in the Clean-Tech Boom (Wiley, 2009) as well as The Green Investing Handbook by Nick Hanna (Harriman House, 2010).