Production of our patented LFG-80LH™ Solar-Amplified Hydrogen Generator panels is currently underway for a bespoke pilot installation in the EU. We are seeking additional manufacturers here in the U.S. In addition, we have an MoU with a manufacturer in China. Below is a frontal CAD rendering of the panel as produced.
In 2018, we completed a successful demonstration of “at scale” and “to spec” production of our photoanodes, producing 6,600 of them for a total area of 620 square meters. Nanoptek developed these photoanodes, and they are the “engine” in every Lightfuel LFG-80LH™ panel.
At present, we are only shipping samples of our Visible Light Titania™ NanYellow, and Enhanced Sunblock™ to those seriously interested in Strategic Partnerships, Contract Manufacturing, and /or Licensing. We ceased our lab-scale production a few years ago and only have small reserves remaining. However, we have carefully preserved our materials and equipment and we are ready to go should interest warrant revived manufacture.